Want to improve creation and amplify student voice? Interested in using audio recording in your classroom?
In this session educators will learn how to incorporate audio recording in their classrooms and curriculum using Soundtrap. They will receive an introduction to Soundtrap, practice creating their own audio stories and podcasts, and explore actionable instructional strategies for launching a student podcasting project in your classrooms immediately.
Soundtrap is an easy-to-use platform that has a “low floor and a high ceiling” making it easy to use in any classroom while allowing students the ability to create professional quality work. Soundtrap’s podcasting tool promotes student discourse and offers opportunities for students to share their voice. With the collaboration feature, transcriptions, and a variety of audio loops, the ability for students to showcase their authentic selves is so impactful.
To get you inspired, check out this great example of how one San Francisco area school used student podcasting to increase student voice and choice at their school: https://edublog.soundtrap.com/2019/06/17/choice-and-voice-through-student-podcasting-in-a-san-francisco-high-school